

What’s it been, four years? You look great, how’s the kids, are you wearing brogues????

Yep, it takes us a while with these things, four years to be precise, of poring and labouring over every sound and noise and click and whistle and tickle and belve. But it’s here, our third album, Dilate, will be gleeting its way into your ear canals in March. Thanks to Leeds legend Adam Nodwell for the immense artwork!

You can pre-order the album from our shop either on its tod or in a t-shirt bundulator!

To get the ball rolling we’re releasing ‘On Monos‘ today in our shop and tomorrow everywhere else. Featuring the immensual vocals of Snow Fox. Wrap your tendrils around the sonic asparagus that is our latest single:

And Vimeo

aaaaaand to further skelge your bevels we’re giving away an IMMEDIATE download of the album version to anyone who pre-orders the album.